How good does this combination sound? Gourmet comfort food, tasty beer, and watching the Pats win another game with a pretty swell crowd. Well that is what you can get at Tavolo, while they are running this Patriots game day special. When we went, Chris had the "Not Your Mother's Chili" matched with Harpoon's Leviathan and Erin had the meatball sliders with provolone and marinara on a corn bun accompanied by a raspberry ale. Delicious! The details: For $20 you get two Harpoon beers and one dish from their "tailgate menu" and Tavolo is now open every Sunday at noon.

Check out our blog entry from last year for a description:
Tavolowww.tavolopizza.com1918 Dorchester Avenue, Dorchester
Located on Dochester Ave. just north of the intersection of Beale Street. Just west of the Ashmont T stop (near the southern entrance/exit).
Hello Erin and Chris,
My boyfriend and I have recently been looking to relocate from CT to
the lower dot area. When I stumbled across your blog it gave us a
great deal of hope regarding living in the Peabody square area. We are
most specifically looking at the Carruth building, however have had
some concerns regarding the crime rate near the Ashmont T stop. We
have yet to come and visit the area, however we are big Boston fans
and lower dot seems like an affordable place to live, and a vibrant up
and coming community.Any tips suggestions you have about living in
lower dot would be much appreciated! Feel free to contact me any time!
Thanks for blogging!
Thanks for the post. We are always willing to talk about our love for Dorchester (Dot). It is neat that you are thinking of moving here from CT. Chris grew up in Springfield, MA and Erin is from Oakland, CA, so we are both transplants here. We have lived in various parts of Boston (and the neighboring cities of Quincy and Brookline) before choosing the south end of Dorchester Ave. (what we nicknamed Lower Dot) as our permanent home.
As for crime, we would say it is slightly higher in Peabody Square compared to Lower Mills, Ashmont Hill, or Adams Corner. But we truly believe with the more development, especially The Carruth and the $30 million Ashmont T project, crime will only decrease. When we moved here just 5 years ago, there was much more crime in Peabody Square (and we have heard stories of 15-20 years ago when things were pretty bad). Now with increased lighting in the area and the new development, it is really making public safety better. The local business community is incredibly active in reducing crime and improving the aesthetics. At the same time we do live in the city, and it is a place where cars get broken into, drug deals occur, and every few years there is a shooting (but honestly that is almost every neighborhood of a city - Erin use to live in upscale Back Bay and it was the same story, just less reported by the media). We have never felt unsafe walking in Peabody Square, even at 1 or 2 am (you just need to be a little more aware).
On the up side, our neighborhood offers so many positives. Frankly, Dot Ave. is the hip place to live. We know so many twenty or thirty-somethings that have decided in recent years to make it their home. It is wonderfully diverse and progressive (while still affordable). There are tons of newer restaurants in the area. Plus, it is so convenient to jump on the red line and be downtown in 15-20 minutes. There is a pretty good art scene in the neighborhood (although there are sadly no music or art venues to display this and most people perform downtown or in Cambridge). We really feel it is a neighborhood on the verge of being recognized for all it offers (although we worry that down the road, it might become too pricey like the South End or Jamaica Plain).
I just wanted to let you know that Lower Dot and The Dorchester Think Tank are now listed here: http://www.mydorchester.org/links
I hope you guys get some use out of mydorchester.org -- let me know if you have any comments!
(Also, the photo of the chili with the sour cream makes me hungry every time I go to your site...)
Lauren Ames
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